This week AND next, you’ll be able to participate in two very different but very special events:
First Up: Pulpwood Queens Facebook Live!

Beyond the Bookclub: We Are the Books We Must Reads, a national Pulpwood Queens Bookclub pick, will be featured on a Facebook LIVE event, Thursday, July 16th at 8 p.m. EST, 7 p.m. Central. Watch for the updates on my Facebook page.
You are invited to the premiere of my new video!
Based on my book Acting Lessons for Living, (available in paperback, e-book and Audibles). The video has a magnificent musical score, which helps us access our inner world, reveal our masks, secrets and unconscious motivations.

You can know nothing or be an Enneagram aficionado to easily engage with this interactive video that explores the lessons in Acting Lessons for Living, the book that offers you a fresh, creative and accessible approach to understanding the Enneagram and how it can help you take action to live a fuller more awake life with an intention of inclusion and equality.
Register now for the virtual conference on July 25th and to view the movie AND learn from many great Enneagram teachers, each with their own perspective!

Looking forward to the movie premiere!!!
Yeah. Me too.