I have a friend, Dorothy, who lives in Wisconsin and each night and day she takes magnificent peaceful photos of the sky, the lake, fields of corn, the sunrise or sunset, a deer and her fawn, and then posts these on social media. Looking at these photos transports me out of my city home and into a less stressful head space. Her Creative Force, through her photography, joins with the delights of Nature’s Creative Force and is immune to this virus. Or as a young child told another friend, when trying to understand why people MUST and SHOULD wear masks, “it’s because of the “sickness.” Out of the mouths of babes.
A cousin takes photos in nature on her daily walks that takes her breath away and calls them her “Morning Ahhhhhs” then posts them on social media. A different friend takes photos of the yield from her vegetable garden and the magnificent dinner they prepare from their produce (like in a five-star restaurant) and posts those. The Creative Force, in nature and through our own artistic observations and expressions, is indeed immune to the “sickness.”
Friends that can, are writing music and songs about the times. People are reading poetry aloud. Someone who read another one of my blogs about creating a collaborative vision board is rounding people up to do just that via zoom.
A friend is creating an outdoor mosaic. People are finally having the time to journal or create ritual. Others are tending to their flower gardens which is absolutely a way of joining deeply with their Creative Force. Others are making art installations with rocks and driftwood on a beach or in a forest preserve. People in my neighborhood are creating community gardens on street corners. See! Creative Force Immunity!
In Facebook there is a social distancing fashion group who dress up in costumes and post. Many who tell me they aren’t “creative” are re-decorating their homes, moving furniture, sorting through their closets, and even finding art supplies, re-connecting with them from their inner child space. They have once again engaged with the place inside of them that is still alive, but maybe has been hiding until it felt safe again. Some of them are finding doodling delicious…and more than enough to feel some creative energy, some Chi rising up in them, increasing their endorphins. These folks can now reclaim their creative part that got lost when they got the message from clueless adults that they weren’t “creative.”
My husband has been turning on music and dancing.
The Creative Force is immune to the “sickness.”
Clients have created anger rooms in their home for therapeutic release. Or one created an obstacle course/game place in his backyard to just let loose.
I was supposed to present in person at a conference this coming week. (Description below). Since it went virtual some of the presenters were told we could only give pre-recorded workshop presentations. I was one of them. Those of you who know me know I teach experientially and interactively. I am not the power point girl, though I know that of course that can engage the Creative Force as well, just not in me. What was I to do?
I sat down and in two days wrote a 70-minute video/movie virtual home workshop. My husband and son joined with me. From our CoVid 19 isolation the Creative Force rose up BIG TIME. My talented son shot the movie using my iPhone only and his recording equipment for Voice Over. He had one great idea after another. During the video you can press pause and go to a page on my site to do activities that correlate with the video teachings. His idea!
As a family, we shot the whole shebang in our house and garden. My son asked his friend in Australia to write a musical score!!! A young friend who just graduated from college as a film major was my co-editor. My husband was production assistant and actor with me, and in two weeks, with the help of the Creative Force, we manifested this teaching film with masks, and fire, and well…you name it! This was an experience that my family will never forget and wouldn’t have happened if not for the “sickness.” The video will premiere at the conference and then be available on their website, my website and my YouTube channel.
The Creative Force Is Immune to the “Sickness.” Let it express itself through you in whatever way it can. Open the door of your quarantined home and let it in!
***Reminder: Each Sunday evening, I offer a free virtual support group and if you haven’t attended you might love it. It starts at 7:30 pm CST. You are always welcome. It has been a blessing to me during these challenging times. Contact me if you want to join us.
Details on Conference below.