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To celebrate the publishing of my fiftieth blog and just about (almost!) finishing book number 3, my hubby and I got away for a few days to a cabin on a beautiful lake. Ahhhhh.

Kayaking and writing and cooking, staying safe eating great food while physical distancing (basically no people around to speak of) and taking big breaths of fresh air was such a nourishing remedy. This duck family (featured photo) made my day.

The natural world is so very healing for me. There was a pair of loons that sang their mating calls to entertain us as well. And the cutest little daring and friendly baby chipmunk that came so close to me whenever I called to it. Not a cloud in the sky. This all happened while my son was home in the middle of the tornado and crazy Chicago times. All is well in our household and I am grateful and rejuvenated. I hope you are all well too and staying safe.

More blogs to follow. Got to hit another fifty! I guess this is my time to speak and the flow of ideas, considering the times we are living in, is endless.

In the meantime, I just released 14 new short videos on my YouTube channel. Check them out!

And remember our weekly free virtual Sunday Support group. Let me know if you’d like to drop in sometime. Contact me.

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