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Acting Lessons for Living

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Imagine that your life is a hit play, one that you produce and direct, a show where you get to pick all the parts, from your leading role to the bit players. You get to choose the sets, the lighting, the costumes, and even who gets a front row seat, right up to the final curtain call.

In fact, you don’t need to imagine it because your life is exactly that: a long-running adventure created for your life’s stage by you!

Best selling author Ruthie Landis weaves her decades of experience in the theatre and as a psychotherapist, teacher and coach, with insightful personality concepts found in the Enneagram used by actors and successful “players” the world over, to guide you through your own hero’s journey – your life’s calling.

Whether you’re in “pre-production” or wanting to make sure your final bow will invite a standing ovation, Acting Lessons for Living will engage you, change you, and support you in playing the scenes of your own life with crystal clear intention, full presence, and a finale that will knock your socks off.

Acting Lessons for Living is now also available as an audiobook! CLICK HERE!


Click on the image below for the Tip Sheet for Acting Lessons for Living.
Ruthie is available for signings, discussions, and workshops!